Air Quality Control2024-01-18T12:36:57-04:00

Air Quality Control in Ottawa

Did you know that you can control the indoor air quality of your home? We can help you breathe better and cleaner air.

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Air Quality Control Services

Ottawa Indoor Air Quality for Your Home & Family

An Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) is a device that provides an efficient air exchange which uses the current indoor hot air to heat the cold outdoor fresh air being introduced into your home. In the winter months the HRV also acts as a dehumidifier, which helps reduce condensation buildup on windows and increases comfort. Including a Heat Recovery Ventilator as part of your mechanical ventilation in your home can significantly improve your indoor air quality.

An ERV has greater humidity control. Unlike the HRV, an ERV can be used year round to introduce fresh air into your home. ERV’s prevent hot, humid air from outside entering your home during the summer while still introducing fresh air into circulation.

At Advanced HVAC we are proud to provide Venmar heat recovery ventilators and energy recovery ventilators. Like with Heat Recovery Ventilators, Energy Recovery Ventilators can help improve your indoor air quality, helping keep your family healthy.



If you suffer from allergies or asthma, you may be interested in one of our indoor air quality solutions. Advanced HVAC offers many products such as air purifiers, humidifiers, Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV), and Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV) that can drastically increase the indoor quality in your home. These systems work by either expelling the pollutants outside of your home, or filtering them out.

  • Air purifiers provide fresh air by removing impurities from the air in your home
  • Ideal for asthma and allergy sufferers; removing dust, dirt, pollen, mold, pet dander & much more
  • Air purifiers can also assist in removing second-hand smoke in your home
  • We offer a selection of the best filters available and will advise when filters should be changed
family enjoying their clean indoor air quality
Young parents playing with their baby in an AC cooled home


Breathing quality indoor air is essential for good health. Most Canadians spend a large amount of time indoors in their homes where gasses, chemicals, and other pollutants can cause issues. Common problems due to poor indoor air quality are:

  • Headaches
  • Eye Irritation
  • Allergies
  • Fatigue
  • And More

While there are many causes of poor indoor air quality, having proper HVAC systems in place can remove the vast majority of airborne particles including pollen, pet dander, dust, mold, bacteria, and some viruses. Proper ventilation helps remove or dilute indoor air pollutants coming from within the home, while filters and air purifiers can help remove pollutants from indoors and outdoors. If you believe that your home is suffering from poor indoor air quality, contact Advanced HVAC today!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Air Quality Control?2021-01-12T22:33:56-04:00

While we might think that the air we breathe in our homes is safe, that’s not always the case. There are often particles and harmful impurities floating in the air which can cause allergic reactions, or even more serious health issues. Air quality control is the process by which we ensure the air in your home is clean and healthy for you and your family breathe.

Why is it important to control air quality at home?2021-01-12T22:33:22-04:00

Breathing quality indoor air is critical for good health, and breathing polluted air can cause health hazards such as asthma which affects millions of Canadians each year. You might not even know that there are air quality issues in your home, however it can negatively impact your quality of life. Whether you live in a new home or an old build, in the city or the suburbs there might be air quality issues which need addressing.

How can Advanced HVAC help improve my indoor air quality?2021-01-12T22:30:49-04:00

At Advanced HVAC, there are a number of things we can do to help you improve your indoor air quality. The two most significant steps towards improved air quality control are:

  • Improving Ventilation: Poor ventilation is one of the main reasons that homes have poor air quality. Poor ventilation can cause the buildup of pollutants which can harm you and your family. Proper ventilation helps reduce the concentration of pollutants in your home by allowing old air to escape your home and be replaced by fresh air. Depending on your wants and we can install Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV) or Energy Recovery Ventilators (HRV).
  • Adding an effective air purifier In addition to proper ventilation, air purifiers improve the air quality of your home. Air purifiers work by removing pollutants and allergens from the air while cycling the air through a very fine filter. Air purifiers are extremely effective, and can dramatically improve the air quality of your home.
What kinds of things impurities can be in the air of my home?2021-01-12T22:30:10-04:00

The most common type of indoor air pollutants are:

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) such as solvents and chemicals including hair spray, glues, air fresheners, wood preservatives, and more.
  • Second-hand tobacco smoke from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes can cause serious harm to your family.
  • Biological pollutants such as pollen, dust mites, animal hair and dander, insect saliva and west, fungi and mold spores can trigger asthma and allergic reactions.
  • Asbestos can be found in old linoleum flooring, old walls, old ceilings.
  • Radon is a gas which is naturally released from the soil. Generally higher in buildings with unfinished crawlspace or basements

If you are concerned about the quality of the air in your home, contact us today. We can help improve and control the air you and your family breathes.




With 100+ years of combined experience, Advanced HVAC provides fast and efficient 24-hour emergency HVAC services in Ottawa, 365 days a year. A friendly & highly competent Advanced HVAC technician is always ready to assist you.

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