Winter is coming, consider these energy saving tips! And what better time than now to give your home a thorough inspection for any needed repairs and maintenance. This should include checking your home’s insulation and ensuring it will stand up against the cold weather to come. If you’re not sure of where to start, check out these home winter insulation tips that will keep your family comfortable all season long and also help you save money on your energy bills.
Re-Seal Caulking
Each year, before the cold weather starts to set in, you should check your window and door caulking to ensure that it’s still working efficiently. Any cracked, chipped, and worn out caulking should be resealed.
Replace Weather Stripping
When you’re busy inspecting your caulking, also quickly check that the weather stripping isn’t showing signs of wear and tear. This isn’t always obvious to see, so try lighting an incense stick near each of the windows and doors. If the air is escaping out the window then you have found an area that may need to be replaced.
Wrap Pipes
Your water pipes can be a major source of energy loss if left bare. To avoid this, each pipe should be wrapped with insulating materials. The wrap will help prevent heat from escaping and ensure that all of the hot water is reaching the radiators, showers, and sinks in your home.
Check Your Roof Insulation
Without proper roof insulation, your home will not be equipped with adequate winter insulation, making it much colder in the winter. Visit your attic and check to see if you require new materials. Installing foam or fiberglass can help ensure that you receive optimal comfort year round.
Improve Window Glazing
If you only have one pane of glass in your windows, chances are you haven’t been receiving optimal energy efficiency. By replacing your single pane windows with double panes, it can greatly improve the insulation in your home and keep the heat inside.
New Windows and Doors
If your windows and doors are no longer keeping the cold air out due to warped materials or age, then it may be time to completely replace them. Newer energy efficient materials, like Energy Star windows and doors, can help improve your energy saving and in turn, reduce your overall utility bills.
Schedule a Furnace Inspection
Whether you have an old furnace that needs a little extra love, or you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of a new high-efficiency furnace, the heating technicians at Advanced HVAC can help. Schedule a furnace inspection now so you can stay toasty and cozy this winter!
Don’t get stuck with sky-high energy bills and a freezing cold house this winter. Consider each of these winter insulation tips to keep your home warm and energy efficient this season and every following season.